Calving Season and Mineral Importance

Calving season is upon us, and it’s crucial to discuss the significance of our Calving and Breeding mineral. In this discussion, we’ll explore the advantages that set our mineral apart from others in the market and understand how it works within the animal to achieve optimal results.

Addressing Scours with MOS Mineral

One of the primary health concerns for producers is scours, which remains a persistent challenge despite various preventive measures. In the past two decades, many producers have integrated MOS mineral into their operations to control scour outbreaks. Drawing from personal experience as an early adopter of MOS in bovine applications, we delve into its mode of action. MOS, a non-nutritive component of yeast cell walls, specifically targets E. coli and Salmonella bacteria in the gut, providing a crucial defense against these harmful pathogens.

How MOS Works in the Gut

Understanding the mechanics of MOS is essential for effective implementation. E. coli and Salmonella bacteria, attracted to carbohydrates, pose a threat to nursing calves. MOS mimics carbohydrates, attracting and trapping these bacteria, which are then safely expelled from the calf’s system. Additionally, MOS aids in reducing the incidence of C & D toxoid, contributing to a healthier gut and minimizing the risk of ulcers.

Feeding Protocol for CPM Calving and Breeding Mineral

The most effective feeding protocol for our mineral involves starting at least 30 days before calving. University of Kentucky trial data supports the benefits, showing a 30% increase in IGG levels in colostrum and a prolonged duration of passive immunity in calves. By incorporating MOS into the cow’s diet, we extend the window of passive immunity, offering crucial protection during the vulnerable early days of a calf’s life.

Unique Formulation and Benefits of CPM Mineral

CPM Calving and Breeding mineral stands out due to its unique formulation, incorporating Diamond V yeast, a rich source of mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) and beta-glucans. This formulation is specifically designed to encourage intake in young calves, jumpstarting their active immunity at an early age. The mineral aids in the recovery of the cow, ensuring she returns to breeding condition promptly.

Importance of Pre-Calving Nutrition

The success of our mineral program underscores the importance of pre-calving nutrition. It adheres to guidelines developed over 25 years to ensure consistent intakes in calves without compromising reproductive performance in cows. It is recommended to collaborate with Nutrition Advisors to tailor a mineral program that suits individual needs and operations.

Bob Myers

Livestock consultant


Grazing Corn Stalks

Harvest is here and most producers are itching to move cows to corn stalks! Having access to corn stalks is a great opportunity to provide a relatively inexpensive feed for your herd. Before you turn out on stalks, there are many questions to consider. What should I feed them before turnout? What do I do if there is a lot of corn on the ground? What protein supplementation will I provide? CPM is here to help answer your questions!

Grazing Corn Stalks

Before turnout, we recommend making sure your cows are full on dry hay, then turning them out midday. In fields with a lot of corn on the ground, you can acclimate your cows by feeding grain 3-4 days prior to prepare them for the corn they will indulge on. We also highly recommend putting out free choice Sodium Bicarbonate. This is a very cost-effective way to buffer the rumen against the high pH levels your herd may experience. As for protein supplementation, there are a variety of options. You can utilize DDG cubes, different forms of distiller grains, or protein tubs. Protein supplementation is a crucial part of grazing stalks and amounts may need to be adjusted depending on your herd. 

Utilizing corn stalks is a very effective forage source but to be successful, must be done correctly to meet the cow’s needs. Please reach out to one of our Livestock Advisors for more information and for any questions you may have! We are here to help your operation have a successful corn stalk grazing experience!

Carly Steffensmeier

Livestock Feed Advisor

Cell: (402)380-8781

Nutrition Summer Series Wrap Up

Exploring the Future of Agriculture Leadership and Livestock Innovation: Nutrition Summer Series

Welcome to the Central Plains Milling and Frontier Nutrition Summer Series! In this exciting journey, we invite you to join us as we delve into the heart of modern agriculture, exploring cutting-edge advancements in feed, livestock, and agribusiness. The future of agriculture is here, and we’re proud to present our interns who are shaping the next generation of Ag leadership.

Unveiling Opportunities in Feed and Livestock Business

As the world’s population continues to grow, the demand for high-quality protein sources is on the rise. The feed and livestock industry stands at the forefront of meeting this demand, while also exploring sustainable and economically viable protein options. The Nutrition Summer Series takes you behind the scenes to discover the latest innovations in feed and livestock management, providing insights into the dynamic world of agriculture.

Stop 1: Miller Feed Lot – A Hub of Versatility

Our journey begins at the Miller Feed Lot, located south of Tecumseh. Steve Miller, accompanied by his partner Marie, proudly introduces us to their state-of-the-art facility. This impressive building, completed in February, represents the epitome of versatility and adaptability. With a myriad of possibilities, this facility stands ready to meet the ever-changing demands of the market.

Steve, a longtime customer of Frontier’s and a familiar face in Travis’ network, has collaborated closely with Travis to formulate ideal rations for his feedlot calves. The Miller Feed Lot is a testament to the harmonious partnership between innovation and tradition, as Steve explains how this building is perfectly tailored to cater to market needs. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind the Miller Feed Lot’s success and witness the seamless integration of technology and agriculture.

Stop 2: Stone Point Cattle Company – Elevating Genetics

Our next destination is the Stone Point Cattle Company. Here, we dive into the world of high-quality genetics that define the future of cattle farming. Colton, our host at Stone Point, guides us through their impressive collection of cattle, which includes the renowned Dixie Valley Angus from Monte California. This stop showcases the dedication to breeding and nurturing exceptional livestock with superior genetics, contributing to the overall improvement of the industry.

Culmination: A Day of Discovery

Our Nutrition Summer Series culminates in an inspiring day of exploration, education, and excitement. The tour takes us through the diverse landscape of agriculture, from versatile facilities like the Miller Feed Lot to the genetic mastery of Stone Point Cattle Company. Along the way, we meet passionate individuals who are not only shaping the future but also sharing their knowledge with the next generation of agricultural leaders.

As we wrap up this inaugural Nutrition Summer Series, we invite you to stay tuned for more upcoming installments. The journey is far from over, and the possibilities within the world of agriculture are limitless. Join us as we continue to uncover innovations, celebrate accomplishments, and ignite a passion for agribusiness leadership.

Intrigued? Don’t miss out on our video tour, where you’ll witness firsthand the remarkable stories and innovations that drive the Nutrition Summer Series. Stay connected with us for updates, insights, and a front-row seat to the future of agriculture.

Together, let’s cultivate a brighter, more sustainable future through the power of knowledge, collaboration, and pioneering spirit.

Effective Fly Control Solutions for Livestock during Fly Season

Fly control during fly season

Fly season is here! Did you know that just a few adult flies can quickly populate to 4,000+ per animal? What are you using for fly control? Fortunately there are many options available now and it’s all about what works best for your operation.

Have you considered feeding fly control through your feed or minerals? An effective product for cattle, horses, goats, sheep, and pigs is the Purina High-Octane Fly Control Supplement with Clarify. You want to start the treatment 30 days before the last frost in the spring and 30 days after the first frost in the fall for optimal results. This supplement works by passing through the animal’s digestive system, out into the manure where fly eggs are laid, so feeding recommendations by body weight and species are recommended. 

Additional treatment options for cattle include insecticides, fly ear tags, pour-on’s or using loose mineral or mineral tubes in feed. When using loose mineral in feed, 4 oz per cow is the recommended amount. It’s important to watch the mineral intake on a regular basis and use a feeder for every 15-20 head of cow, with a water source nearby. Specific products we offer are Wind and Rain Storm All Season 7.5 Complete Altosid Fly Control Beef Cattle Mineral Feed, CPM6000, and Kent Framework 365 Mineral ADF AFC. Additionally, we offer tub-form Wind & Rain AS 4 Tub Altosid and Purina EquiTub® Horse Supplement with Fly Control.

Enjoy the summer and help your animals do the same by controlling the flies! Need more information or still have questions? Reach out today or contact one of our Livestock Nutrition Advisors.

Written by Alison Bishop,

Livestock Nutrition Advisor

Choosing the Right Chicken Feed: A Complete Guide

Choosing the Right Chicken Feed

When embarking on the journey of raising chickens, one of the initial considerations is their choosing the right chicken feed. Selecting the appropriate feed, whether medicated or non-medicated, can significantly impact the health, growth, and productivity of your birds. Central Plains Milling offers a range of high-quality chicken feeds that cater to various stages of poultry development. In this article, we’ll explore their product line and discuss the benefits of medicated and non-medicated feeds for different purposes.

  1. Multi-Purpose Poultry Supplement: Central Plains Milling provides a Multi-Purpose Poultry Supplement with 27% crude protein, suitable for all types of poultry and game birds. This non-medicated feed contains essential vitamins, minerals, and calcium necessary for optimal growth and health.
  2. Chick Starter Medicated: For growing chicks aged 1 to 21 days, the Chick Starter Medicated feed is an excellent choice. With 22.11% crude protein, this feed supports healthy development during this crucial stage. The medication helps prevent coccidiosis and effectively eliminates parasites while ensuring continued growth.
  3. CPM Layer Feed: The CPM Layer Feed, boasting 17.5% crude protein, is a highly recommended option for laying hens. This complete feed is suitable as the sole ration for hens over 18 weeks old. Enriched with vitamin D and manganese, it promotes stronger eggshells and overall hen well-being. Switching to this feed resulted in improved egg quality, consistent size, and harder shells for our hens compared to other brands.

Benefits of Central Plains Milling Feed

By choosing Central Plains Milling feed, you can expect the following advantages:

Enhanced Molting Stage

The 17.5% protein content in the CPM Layer Feed aids hens during the molting stage, promoting faster recovery and reduced duration. Chickens showed increased appetite and efficient feed consumption, leading to healthier, more resilient hens.

Consistent Egg Size and Quality

The CPM Layer Feed resulted in a steady production of solid, well-formed eggs. The improved nutritional profile of the feed contributed to better egg quality, meeting consumers’ expectations consistently.

Competitive Pricing

Central Plains Milling offers its high-quality feed at a price point that is both competitive and comparable to other commonly available feeds in the market. Quality need not come at an exorbitant cost.

Medicated vs. Non-Medicated Feed

The decision to use medicated or non-medicated feed depends on various factors. If starting birds on medication feed, it is advisable to continue until switching to a layer feed. Medicated feed helps prevent coccidiosis and effectively eliminates parasites, supporting the birds’ overall growth and health.

Conclusion on Choosing the Right Chicken Feed

Selecting the right chicken feed is crucial for the health, growth, and productivity of your flock. Central Plains Milling offers a range of high-quality options, including the Multi-Purpose Poultry Supplement, Chick Starter Medicated, and CPM Layer Feed. These feeds provide essential nutrients, minerals, and proteins required for different stages of poultry development. Whether choosing medicated or non-medicated feed, Central Plains Milling ensures that your chickens receive the optimal nutrition they need for thriving and producing quality eggs.

Article written by Allison Bishop

Grass Tetany: Causes & Prevention

Springtime is here! The grass gets greener, and producers are excited to get their cows out on pasture, but as a producer, did you properly prepare your cows for that lush green grass? Death from grass tetany can occur very rapidly. Luckily, there is an inexpensive “insurance policy” to help prevent it. Magnesium!

Grass Tetany Causes

Grass Tetany Causes

Grass tetany occurs when magnesium becomes deficient in the cow. Grass is high in potassium, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. When a cow starts consuming that lush grass, high in these nutrients, it interferes with magnesium absorption. Lactating cows also require an increased amount of magnesium. These factors during the spring, increase the risk for grass tetany in your herd.

How to Prevent?

Prevention starts with feeding a high magnesium mineral or mixing magnesium by hand into your mineral for three weeks before turnout and then continued until grass matures (usually about three weeks after turnout). The University of Nebraska-Lincoln recommends feeding about 10 to 20 grams of magnesium per day. 

Prevention is the best method to manage grass tetany. Contact your CPM nutrition advisor for more information and to get set up with magnesium before you send your herd to those green, lush pastures.

Written by Carly Steffensmeier,

Livestock Advisor

Spring Happenings at CPM

Spring time finds all of us working more outside and enjoying the weather, and here are some spring happenings at CPM. Everyone on our team at CPM is busy manufacturing for spring calving season with the anticipation of summer pasture and beef creep season. CPM is enthusiastic about our producers. We manufacture and advise for large livestock operations and for small livestock operations. 

Russ Vering, Managing Partner/Large Account Sales/Owner, talks about Spring Happenings at CPM.
Russ Vering, Managing Partner/Large Account Sales/Owner at CPM

Let’s talk about small operations

Whether you are raising chickens in your back yard or feeding out your own pork or beef, CPM has solutions for your feed needs. Our philosophy is to keep nutrition simple and locally produced. All of our Poultry, Swine, Goat, Sheep, and Beef feeds are made in Nebraska with Nebraska ingredients. We take the time to evaluate each ingredient that goes into your feed ensuring that it is safe for your livestock and nutritionally required. Our company does not believe in fluff or fillers. All of our decisions are research driven and good for the longevity of your herd or flock. Fluff or buzz words are constantly used to sell feed. CPM engages with the best technology in the nutrition business to bring you the best results. You will not see buzz words on our tag unless they actually create a benefit for your herd or flock. 

It’s Also Show Season

Spring also means show season and we are amping up for a doozy this year. CPM is continuously engaged with county fair projects and sponsoring youth show events. From Iowa to Montana CPM supports youth agriculture shows. We believe that the future of agriculture starts with a show project supported by family and youth clubs. Our team believes in agriculture and the resilience of farmers small and large where you can do business with a handshake and trust us to do our part.

We appreciate your business and look forward to partnering on more projects with you in the future!

Central Plains Milling Creep Feeds

Looking to increase weaning weight on your calves? Searching for ways to improve your bottom line? Creep feeding calves is a great solution and one that is almost always a return on investment. Let’s take a look at why you should utilize creep feeds, its benefits, and what creep feed options Central Plains Milling has for your calves.

Maximizing the Calves’ Growth Potential

In a cow/calf operation, gross income is partially going to depend on the weaning weight of calves. Typically, a lactating cow can supply about 50% of the nutrients that a calf needs to maximize its growth potential. Grass and creep feed are able to supply that other 50% that the calf is needing. Calves that are supplemented properly can convert on average 4 pounds of feed to 1 pound of gain. Creep feeding for approximately 100 days should add around 60 plus pounds of weaning weight. More pounds on a calf to sell equals an increase in revenue.

Relieve Pressure on the Cow’s Milk Production

In addition to increased weaning weights, creep feed has many other benefits. Supplementing creep feed to calves can help relieve pressure on the cow’s milk production. Relieving some pressure off the cow can also make an impact on their overall body condition. When it comes time to wean, your calves will be used to coming to feed and typically transition to a feed bunk easier. This in turn will make the weaning process less stressful on your calves.

Central Plains Milling Creep Feeds

Central Plains Milling provides quality creep feeds that are superior to most on the market. We have two different forms of creep available: pelleted or meal. Our pelleted creep is called “CPM Calf Creep” and our meal creep is called “CPM 4000 Creep”. CPM Calf Creep (pelleted) is 14% protein and is formulated with Bovatec with the option of adding CTC if needed. CPM 4000 Creep (meal) is a 16% protein that utilizes the power of dried distillers grains and has options to have Rumensin, Bovatec or CTC added. Both creep feeds have Availa-4 and Diamond V XPC in them. We utilize Availa-4 in our creep to help decrease the effects of stress, strengthen immune systems, and increase average daily gain in your calves. Diamond V helps support digestive tissue and promotes a healthy microbial balance for calf immunity and overall health. If you are interested in maximizing your calves potential on creep, contact one of our Livestock Feed Advisors!

Carly Steffensmeier, Livestock Feed Advisor

A Message from Travis Walters

Hello my name is Travis Walters, I’m the Livestock Advisor for Southeast Nebraska at Frontier Cooperative. With cattle show season gearing up in our area I would like to talk to you about our CPM Show Calf Creep w/ Precon. Not only my kids have had great success with it but a handful of other people as well. 

CPM Show Calf Creep w/ Precon is designed to be moderate energy level with a high fiber content to promote steady growth, rib development and soundness. Giving your animals that full look and dropped flank that every judge is looking for. This product can be limit feed or used in a complete ration. With the amount of protein and fiber in this feed your animals need very little other supplements to help them stay looking full. CPM Show Calf Creep w/ Precon also comes with Rumensin as a part of the feed. Rumensin improves feed efficiency by 4 percent by providing more energy from the ration through increased glucose supply. 

It’s not a surprise when bringing home new show calves to have issues with intake while transitioning them to your feed. However, the reviews of the CPM Show Calf Creep with Precon during the transition period has been said to be an easy transition for the calves, and they don’t miss a beat. By making the transition smoother it decreases the amount of stress on the calf and keeps them in a forward motion on their intake towards the end goal, that purple banner at the end of the show.  

As a livestock consultant, It’s a feel- good moment going to shows and seeing families using the products that you’ve supplied them. And it makes it that much better yet when those families win. 


Travis Walters

CPM Momentum Line of Feed: An Introduction

CPM Momentum Line of Feed

Are you looking for an option to wean/start, grow or finish a set of calves but don’t want to have to start up the tractor and feedwagon and the tractor or skid loader to load the feed? You also would like to save on some hay and not have to feed as much or any while starting or feeding out a set of cattle?? We have a couple self fed options available that are fed through a self feeder, to you as a producer and cattle feeder, but we want to bring to light and inform you here of a product that we have, called CPM Momentum. The CPM Momentum line of feeds is formulated to be fed through a self feeder in a pasture or pen setting.

The CPM Momentum line of feeds is very unique to the industry in that the ingredients, which include rolled corn, DDG’s, a vitamin and trace mineral pack, and a one of a kind forage pellet as well allow for a unique and game changing option for self feeding. Each step in the CPM Momentum step up program also has the option of Bovatec to be added to the formula, which is an ionophore that helps the cattle consuming this feed be more efficient in converting feed to red meat and muscle.

CPM Momentum Starter 

The CPM Momentum line consists of a step up program consisting of the CPM Momentum Starter, CPM Momentum Grower, and CPM Momentum Finisher as well as the transition steps in between each if the producer and our nutrition advisor so decides that they would be a good fit. Whether you are wanting to feed out a set of calves, put some weight on some bred heifers or feed out some cull cows this program will work for you. Did we mention that throughout each stage of the CPM Momentum feeding program you will be able to save on hay as you do NOT need to feed hay along with the Momentum? You ask how this can be safe to be fed in a self fed situation with both rolled corn and DDG’s in the formula? The unique forage pellet that is included in each step provides enough scratch to the rumen as well as enough fiber to keep the gut working and also keeps the manure consistent. The amount of the forage pellet is decreased as we move past the starter to the grower and finisher phases allowing for a higher fat, lower protein and lower fiber formula to more efficiently grow and finish cattle.

The CPM Momentum line of feeds:

CPM Momentum Starter 13% Protein 4% Fat 16% Fiber

CPM Momentum Grower 13% Protein 5.5% Fat 16% Fiber

CPM Momentum Finisher 12% Protein 5.5% Fat 9% Fiber

The CPM Momentum line has been successfully fed in numerous situations over the years. Depending on your goals and your needs, our highly trained nutrition advisors will help recommend the best step for you and your cattle to start with as well as partnering with you as a producer to successfully and efficiently grow and finish cattle. Contact any of our nutrition team members or the Columbus or Howells feed mills for more info.