Fly Control

Fly Control by CPM

Why use fly control?

Many producers may be wondering, “Why should I use fly control?” The simple answer is, to raise healthier animals with a better rate of gain. Did you know that the number one pest threat on pastures is flies? A study at the University of Oklahoma State found that cattle fed fly control saw a 15.8% increase in average daily gain. Another study conducted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, found that the cows raised calves that were 10-20 pounds heavier at weaning than that of the control group. One reason for this is the decreased amount of tail swatting which both burns calories and distracts the animals from eating.

How It Works

Warmer weather means the start of fly season. One simple and effective solution to control fly populations is using a feed-through larvicide, such as ClariFly or Altosid. These products are insect growth regulators (IGR), which work through the animal’s manure where flies lay their eggs. The result is eventually stopping the fly life cycle, preventing the larvae from molting into pupae. Another feed additive that can be used to help detract flies is garlic. Studies on garlic are limited but some have shown cows that are fed garlic through grazing have significantly lower fly loads.

When To Feed

So, you may be asking when and how long do I need to feed an additive for fly control? Ideally a producer would begin to use some type of fly control 30 days prior to flies appearing and for it to be fed 30 days after the first frost. However, this does not mean that it is too late to start using a feed additive. The products still work, as designed regardless of when you start. One thing to remember when starting late, is it takes time for these products to work through the cycle and realize fly decrease. As a reminder, these products will not eliminate flies entirely, but they will decrease the fly load. If you have questions about fly control, please reach out to our team of Livestock Nutrition Advisors!

by Carter Jensen, Livestock Nutrition Advisor

The Role of Brown Fat in Calves’ Survival

The unforgiving world of cold and wet weather, the survival and vulnerability in newborn calves prompts a critical question. Why do some endure the rigors while others succumb to hypothermia in identical conditions? Delving into this enigma is an enlightening article titled “Brown Fat Ensures Survival in Calves,” featured on AG Proud. This insightful piece explores the indispensable role of brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue (BAT), in shaping the fate of newborn calves.

The Guardian Effect of Good Mothers

While good mothering undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in calf survival, the research spotlighted in this article unveils an additional layer to the story. It unveils that, beyond the watchful eyes of nurturing mothers, the survival of calves in harsh weather conditions hinges on the presence and functionality of brown fat. The nurturing warmth provided by motherly care is complemented by the intrinsic ability of brown fat to generate body heat through non-shivering thermogenesis.

Brown Fat’s Unique Functionality

Brown fat’s unique function lies in its capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis, a process that generates body heat without the characteristic shivering response. This becomes particularly crucial for newborn calves navigating cold and wet conditions, where the ability to maintain internal warmth is a life-saving imperative. As the article on AG Proud details, brown fat emerges as a biological hero, ensuring the survival of calves by actively contributing to their thermoregulation in challenging weather scenarios.

Featuring “Brown Fat Ensures Survival in Calves” on Central Plains Milling

Central Plains Milling is excited to feature this illuminating article on our website, recognizing its significance in the broader context of calf rearing. Understanding the pivotal role of brown fat opens avenues for enhanced care and management practices, enabling producers to better support the resilience and survival of their calves in adverse weather conditions. Join us as we delve into the nuances of brown fat’s contribution to calf survival, offering practical insights and applications for cattle producers seeking to optimize their operations.

Stay tuned for more in-depth explorations into the intricate dynamics of cattle health and well-being, brought to you by Central Plains Milling.

Exploring the Vital Link between Nutrition and Reproduction in Beef Cattle

In the expansive realm of beef cattle production, the quest for optimizing reproductive success pivots on a complex interplay between nutrition and reproductive traits. At the forefront of this exploration is a seminal research article titled “Nutrition and Reproduction Interactions,” authored by Rick Funston from the University of Nebraska’s West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte. This article delves into the nuanced relationship between the environment, nutritional requirements, and reproductive outcomes in beef females.

Read Full Article: “Nutrition and Reproduction Interactions,” authored by Rick Funston from the University of Nebraska’s West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte.

The Complexity of Reproductive Traits

Traditional measurements of direct reproductive traits often reveal low heritability, challenging the conventional understanding of genetic influence on reproductive success. Funston’s research accentuates the role of the production environment as a pivotal determinant of reproductive outcomes. This perspective shifts the focus from solely genetic factors to the broader impact of the environment in shaping the reproductive landscape of beef cattle.

The Energy Equation

A central focus of Funston’s work is the impact of cow size and milk production on the energy and protein needs of beef cattle, even during non-lactating periods. Large cow size and heightened milk production translate into increased nutrient requirements, a crucial consideration for sustaining reproductive efficiency. This heightened demand for nutrients poses a significant challenge, potentially limiting the carrying capacity of farms and ranches and necessitating a meticulous approach to nutritional management.

Navigating the Balance between Nutrition and Reproduction

The heart of the matter lies in aligning a cow’s nutrient requirements with the available feed resources. Failure to achieve this delicate equilibrium can compromise reproductive outcomes, leading to inefficiencies in beef cattle production. As we explore Funston’s findings, it becomes apparent that a comprehensive understanding of the intricate balance between nutrition and reproduction is imperative for cattle producers seeking to enhance the efficiency of their operations.

Central Plains Milling’s Perspective

Central Plains Milling recognizes the pivotal insights offered by Funston’s research and aims to illuminate its implications for cattle producers. In forthcoming articles, we will delve into the practical applications of these findings, offering actionable strategies for nutrition management that can positively impact the reproductive success of beef cattle. Stay tuned as we unravel the dynamics of nutrition and reproduction, unlocking the secrets embedded in the intricate tapestry of beef cattle production.

Traditional measurements of direct reproductive traits often reveal low heritability, emphasizing the paramount role of the production environment in shaping reproductive success. Funston’s research highlights the significance of cow size and milk production in dictating heightened energy and protein needs, even during non-lactating periods. This elevated demand for nutrients poses a critical challenge, potentially limiting the carrying capacity of farms and ranches.

In essence, the crux of the matter lies in aligning a cow’s nutrient requirements with the available feed resources. Failure to achieve this delicate balance can compromise reproductive outcomes, emphasizing the need for a meticulous approach to nutritional management in beef cattle operations.

Central Plains Milling recognizes the pivotal insights offered by this research and aims to shed light on its implications for cattle producers. As we delve into the details of Funston’s findings, we uncover valuable information that can reshape approaches to nutrition management, ultimately enhancing the reproductive efficiency of beef cattle. Stay tuned as we explore the intersection of nutrition and reproduction, unraveling the secrets that lie within the intricate tapestry of beef cattle production.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Ranching

Breeding season is fast approaching, and for cow-calf producers, it stands out as a crucial period in their operations. While calving time is often considered significant, the essence lies in successful breeding. In this article, we’ll delve into the pivotal advantages of incorporating omega 3 fatty acids into your ranching practices and explore how it can positively influence embryo viability and overall reproductive success.

The Impact of Omega 3 Fatty Acids on Reproductive Health

Cows and Healthy Calfs after implementing Omega Fatty Acids.

1. Understanding Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Most of the feedstuffs commonly used in ranching are high in omega 6 fatty acids. Unfortunately, these omega 6s contribute to inflammation, directly affecting the attachment of fertilized eggs to the uterine wall. Additionally, they play a critical role in the production of prostaglandin, which, when elevated, can lead to abortions. On the other hand, omega 3 fatty acids act as anti-inflammatories, reducing inflammation and aiding in the production of estrogen while decreasing prostaglandin levels.

2. Impact on Embryo Viability

Research, including data from Colorado State University (CSU), suggests that 40% of open cows and heifers were initially bred but, due to unknown stress, experienced pregnancy loss within the first 42 days. Feeding omega 3 fatty acids helps suppress prostaglandin production, positively impacting embryo viability and maintenance. In dairy cattle, studies have shown a remarkable 15% increase in overall conception rates.

3. Practical Recommendations for Omega 3 Supplementation

Investing in replacement heifers is substantial, and returns are not realized until the animal is at least two and a half years old. To ensure the optimal reproductive health of your herd, consider feeding omega mineral at least 30 days before artificial insemination (AI) or turning out the bulls until 45 days post-breeding. For bulls, a minimum of 60 days of omega mineral supplementation is recommended to positively impact sperm production, enhancing both motility and volume on semen tests.

The Importance of Early Pregnancy Days

1. Critical Period of the First 42 Days

Extensive research indicates that the first 42 days of pregnancy are the most critical, influencing embryo attachment and maintenance. Feeding omega 3s during this period reduces inflammation of the reproductive tract and promotes the elongation of the initial attachment of the embryo, significantly improving embryo viability.

2. Positive Outcomes and Adoption

Producers incorporating the omega 3 program on their heifers have reported reduced third-cycle pregnancies and open cows. This approach not only benefits purebred operations focused on genetics but also proves that, in calf sales at weaning or as 8 weights, age often outperforms genetics.


As the breeding season approaches, consider the impact of omega 3 fatty acids on your ranching operation. For more information or to implement CPM’s omega 3 mineral in your feeding program, reach out to your CPM Nutrition Advisor today.

Bob Myers

Livestock Consultant


Choosing the Right Chicken Feed: A Complete Guide

Choosing the Right Chicken Feed

When embarking on the journey of raising chickens, one of the initial considerations is their choosing the right chicken feed. Selecting the appropriate feed, whether medicated or non-medicated, can significantly impact the health, growth, and productivity of your birds. Central Plains Milling offers a range of high-quality chicken feeds that cater to various stages of poultry development. In this article, we’ll explore their product line and discuss the benefits of medicated and non-medicated feeds for different purposes.

  1. Multi-Purpose Poultry Supplement: Central Plains Milling provides a Multi-Purpose Poultry Supplement with 27% crude protein, suitable for all types of poultry and game birds. This non-medicated feed contains essential vitamins, minerals, and calcium necessary for optimal growth and health.
  2. Chick Starter Medicated: For growing chicks aged 1 to 21 days, the Chick Starter Medicated feed is an excellent choice. With 22.11% crude protein, this feed supports healthy development during this crucial stage. The medication helps prevent coccidiosis and effectively eliminates parasites while ensuring continued growth.
  3. CPM Layer Feed: The CPM Layer Feed, boasting 17.5% crude protein, is a highly recommended option for laying hens. This complete feed is suitable as the sole ration for hens over 18 weeks old. Enriched with vitamin D and manganese, it promotes stronger eggshells and overall hen well-being. Switching to this feed resulted in improved egg quality, consistent size, and harder shells for our hens compared to other brands.

Benefits of Central Plains Milling Feed

By choosing Central Plains Milling feed, you can expect the following advantages:

Enhanced Molting Stage

The 17.5% protein content in the CPM Layer Feed aids hens during the molting stage, promoting faster recovery and reduced duration. Chickens showed increased appetite and efficient feed consumption, leading to healthier, more resilient hens.

Consistent Egg Size and Quality

The CPM Layer Feed resulted in a steady production of solid, well-formed eggs. The improved nutritional profile of the feed contributed to better egg quality, meeting consumers’ expectations consistently.

Competitive Pricing

Central Plains Milling offers its high-quality feed at a price point that is both competitive and comparable to other commonly available feeds in the market. Quality need not come at an exorbitant cost.

Medicated vs. Non-Medicated Feed

The decision to use medicated or non-medicated feed depends on various factors. If starting birds on medication feed, it is advisable to continue until switching to a layer feed. Medicated feed helps prevent coccidiosis and effectively eliminates parasites, supporting the birds’ overall growth and health.

Conclusion on Choosing the Right Chicken Feed

Selecting the right chicken feed is crucial for the health, growth, and productivity of your flock. Central Plains Milling offers a range of high-quality options, including the Multi-Purpose Poultry Supplement, Chick Starter Medicated, and CPM Layer Feed. These feeds provide essential nutrients, minerals, and proteins required for different stages of poultry development. Whether choosing medicated or non-medicated feed, Central Plains Milling ensures that your chickens receive the optimal nutrition they need for thriving and producing quality eggs.

Article written by Allison Bishop

Weaning Show Pigs

Here are some important tips that will enhance growth and muscle development of your weaning show pigs. The Lindner system of starters has been designed to maximize growth and development of your show pig. 

Lindner starters 600-603-606-612 and 648 are designed specifically for the exact stage of digestive development for your pig. Keep in mind that all simple stomach animals like pigs require specific types of feeds early on in development. Initially your show pig while on the sow will be highly efficient at digesting milk proteins and fats. Milk proteins are simple and highly digestible for newly farrowed show pigs. You can see in the chart below that Lactase enzymes decreases with time while Amylase and Protease increase. This is an important transition for a young pig, moving from sows’ milk to dry feed (more complex proteins and fats). Lindner feeds are positioned to match this transition in digestive enzymes for your pig’s stomach ensuring an easy transition to dry feed while maximizing the performance of your show pig.

Weaning Show Pigs Recommendations

Preweaning and weaning– feed Lindner 600 Neo Starter. Lindner 600 creates the proper transition to dry feed. Best if creep fed several days before weaning. 

Post weaning Transition –move your pig to Lindner 603. 603 will ensure that stomach enzymes are matched to maximize digestibility and gut health of your show pig.

Next step is 606 Blitz or 612 Starter –Once your pig hits 5 to 6 weeks and daily feed intake is aggressive transition your pig to 606 Blitz for sale bloom, or 612 Starter for pigs you are retaining to show or sell later. 


  1. Can I skip steps in this feeding program?
    • Skipping diets early on in a pig’s life will delay his development later and can even cause significant health complications. 600 and 603 are essential to proper development of the pigs lean gain growth curve. Shorting your pig at the early stage can reduce the guts’ ability to absorb nutrients resulting in permanent damage of your pig performance.
  2. Transitioning challenged pigs good or bad?
    • Transitioning pigs is very important. Healthy pigs transition easily while challenged pigs struggle with changes in diet. Make sure that when you transition to your next diet pigs are eating aggressively and are active.
  3. What diet do you recommend for receiving 40–50-pound pigs?
    • 648 is a great transition diet. High protein and the correct balance of amino acids. Palatability of this diet is excellent getting pigs transitioned and started aggressively in a new environment with new stresses. 
  4. What is the economic and physical cost of cutting out starter diets?
    • A good rule of thumb is 5 pounds of lost gain in the nursery phase of a pigs life becomes 25 pounds of lost gain at market. Pigs are much more efficient at building muscle early in the phases of their life. As pigs mature the conversion of actual lean and muscle is much less efficient.

Fears of Uncertainty Not Reality with VFD Rules

The new Veterinary Feed Directive requirement has been in effect for livestock producers since Jan. 1. Producers across the country need a written VFD in place to get certain medications for their animals. So far, things seem to be going reasonably well despite the uncertainty that typically surrounds new requirements.

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Corn Silage Tips and SAFETY

Did you know an estimation of 16-18 percent of corn silage put up in 2016 will be lost, equaling about $1.1 – 1.3 billion in feed inventory? The recommended minimum silage density is 15-16 lbs. per ft3 (44 to 48 lbs. fresh weight bulk density per cubic foot). This density helps with compaction and deprivation of oxygen for spoilage within the silage. Achieving a higher silage density and measuring DM recovery at the end of a feeding period are positively related when put up correctly because you are now minimizing spoilage by blocking out oxygen throughout the silage . This also increases storage capacity of existing bunkers while decreasing the height of drive-over piles (without reducing storage capacity).

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Cow-Calf Confinement Option

With the current price of land and the decreasing availability of pastures, cow-calf producers are starting to look for other options. The traditional rotational grazing of stocks and pastures isn’t as profitable as it once was; since it requires a high capital in order to make it work. Not only is there a 6.3% decrease in grazable acres, but the prices of land and the market risk make it unsuitable for some producers today. The U.S. cow herds must continue to grow in the industry if it is going to preserve and regain lost market share. One way producers can do this is through a confined or semi-confined system.

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Heat Stress

With summer approaching, so is the heat. Higher temperatures and humidity with lower wind speeds increase the risk of heat stress. When cattle are heat stressed, performance can be decreased. If you notice the cattle panting or hanging their mouth open, that is a great indication that your cattle are heat stressed.

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